With over 250 fabric books all with various designs and colours there is a lot to choose from. We always spend time with our customers helping them find what they are looking for, but when it comes to choosing curtains and blinds there are always many things consider from colour, design, style and even what they are made of. So here is some information you may find useful.

Cottons are extremely versatile available in many different weights all of which create different looks, from light open weave sheers through to heavier weight brushed cottons, they also make a great base cloth so are often used for printed designs. Cottons drape well so create neat, uniform pleats in curtains, many people like to use a cotton for this reason as well as it being an organic material. Cottons do have a tendency to crease, however this can often be dealt with a gentle steam.
Silk, like cotton is a wonderful natural material, where as a cotton has a matt finish silk has a deep lustre which creates a rich, opulent look. Silk makes gorgeous curtains and blinds, draping beautifully, however there are a few things to consider when looking at silk. Firstly, they are quite thin fabrics so always look better when they are used with an interlining, this is an extra layer of lining that makes it look fuller and protects the fabric. Silks are prone to fading and after a long period of time the structure of the fabric can break down if it is in direct sunlight, this can be resolved by replacing the front edge of the curtain with a border. Alternatively, there are faux silks available that can give you a similar look but do not degrade in the light.

Polyester has historically been seen as a lesser fabric, with people preferring natural fabrics due to how they hang, but synthetic fabrics have improved significantly over the last few years. The benefit of using synthetic is that they are more durable, less prone to fading and creasing so can often give a neater appearance.
Contact Fashion Flooring & Interiors for design advice for you home.